New Year's Resolutions:
1. Paint without prejudice, judgement and pride.
2. Play the ukelele, that little instrument that is suddenly part of me. Acordeon and piano you are welcome to join in. She's little and some company would make us smile.
It might also need a guitar to protect herself. I know where I can find one so if you know who you are, get ready.
3. Learn to make REAL carrot cake.
4. Escribir y montar una obra para el Microteatro. Contigo.
5. Read Crime & Punishment this summer. Loving Russian literature.
6. Watch Radiohead live. My soul mates included in the experience.
7. Stop biting my fingers.
8. Watch my grandmother smile and be grateful for the life she has lead.
9. Go to South America. The ukelele comes with me.
10. Take a lot of pictures, make portraits. Try to make good photos, capture moments in life.
11. Have a cream cheese bagel from Brick Lane in Madrid.
12. Make sushi considering more than just 3 ingredients.
13. Rodar una peli.
Ver todas las pelis de François Truffaut
15. Hacer Teatro. Read theater. Perform. Act. Actuar. Live. Vivir.